Thursday, July 10, 2014

Raining Day in the Outer Banks

It feels like forever since my last post. But of course, when you are on vacation you are supposed to take a break from reality. So, I have been busy being a beach bum all day, every day. Luckily, we have had amazing weather..... until today. It's been raining on and off all day. A great day for blogging!!! My brain is a little mushy due to the relaxing sun, so I decided to post some pretty sweet pictures (diagrams) I found on pinterest.

Original url I got this from :

These tips are helpful and definitely work. When I was trying to lose a couple pounds, I eliminated all soda and sugary drinks, and dedicated myself to drinking water. I admit I do relapse and have a margarita (I'm on vacation so it's allowed). However, eliminating soda and sugar drinks consumed on a daily basis definitely helps reduce hunger and keep you hydrated.

Original source:
I got this from:

I love this pyramid above because I think a lot of people who are trying to lose weight believe that working out eliminates all the crappy food that is consumed throughout the day. It definitely helps. However, in order to maintain a healthy weight, removing all the "unhealthy" foods is a mandatory step. Of course, we are all human, and are bound to relapse. Yet, having a bowl of ice cream will not kill us. Awareness is the key and can help create a healthy balance.

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